Corporate Services



Executive Coaching

Diagnosis and Prescriptive Profiling for Coaching

We use the The Freeman-Gavita Prescriptive Executive Coaching Assessment (PECA) which is a multi-rater validated tool. The PECA derives various perspectives on managerial strengths and difficulties (e.g., self, subordinates, manager, colleagues, clients) in five organizational domains and derives a prescriptive profile for coaching, indicating specific areas for improvement.

The PECA can be administered online and the manager receives a personalised report. Using the PEC model, then the coach and executive can start working on relevant objectives.

Managerial Coaching and Rational Leadership Program

We are providing workshops for managers and business leaders seeking to acquire and use coaching skills necessary in obtaining best performance in today’s organizations.

Managers face a number of challenges during the course of any business day. This program teaches managers how to cope with pressures, inspire and motivate their team, take rational decisions and implement coaching strategies that will help advance their career and perform to their potential.

Contact us to find out about our next Performance Coaching course.


Stress Management Workshop

We are providing workshops for managers and business leaders seeking to understand their own emotions and the reactions of others and how to use them in order manage the inevitable stress of the rapid changes and competitive environment.

The corporative world is a very exciting yet unpredictable place. When undesired and unpleasant events happen, people may begin to feel disturbed, loose patience with collaborators. The end result of this stress is always a decrease in employees’ efficiency and company's productivity. An employee or manager who is overwhelmed with negative and upsetting feelings is virtually incapable of performing efficiently. The key to consistent top performance is make sure  your managers have the skills to manage their emotions that are resulting in non-productivity and coach their team towards success and well-being.

Contact us to find out about our next Stress Management course.