International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching (IACBC)
The International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching (IACBC) is the first international body in the field of cognitive-behavioral approach to psychological coaching. The IACBC is a professional, scientific and interdisciplinary organization having the mission to (1) advance the development of the cognitive-behavioral coaching filed, and (2) promote an evidence-based approach toward coaching, in the benefit of the professional community, organizations, society, and improvement of people’s lives and performance.
The IACBC aims to advance cognitive-behavioral coaching as a scientific discipline, in order:
- To stimulate the growth and dissemination of the science and practice of coaching;
- To converge the practice of coaching with the evidence-based knowledge;
- To promote development and professional training of the coaching practitioners;
- To develop competencies for professionals in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching;
- To promote evidence-based psychological interventions in the business environment;
- To raise awareness on the role of coaching based on the cognitive-behavioral and positive psychology approaches in performance optimization and life quality;
- To set standards for coaching practice and promote ethics in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching.
The following activities will be developed by the IACBC in line with the above mentioned aims:
- To create international visibility and prestige for the cognitive-behavior coaching, as an evidence-based intervention for performance optimization and human development;
- To produce and promote scientific knowledge based on fundamental and applied research in the field of coaching;
- To develop educational activities in the field of psychological interventions (cognitive-behavioral coaching, personal development) applyed to diverse settings settings (personal optimization, business settings, parenting etc);
- To stimulate international scientific exchanges in the field (coaching psychology, cognitive-behavioral coaching);
- To collaborate with top experts in the field, private and public organizations in order to develop research projects in the field of coaching;
- To elaborate psychometric instruments and scientific intervention techniques for the diagnosis and interventions in psychological interventions for human and organizational development;
- To organize continuous learning courses for professionals in the field of coaching and business for developing competencies in line with the market request;
- To offer, through its members and collaborators, coaching services for individual clients and organizations in order to optimize their functioning in society;
- To develop networks with similar international and national associations and organizations, and stimulates changes of opinions, specialists, experience and collaboration with prestigious international experts in the field;
- To disseminate scientific information to its members and community through the webpage, groups and scientific manifestations;
- Edits publications in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching.
Center for Rational and Happy Living is a unit of the IACBC aiming to support its mission. The following projects are implemented by the Center: the Living school project and the Rational Emotive Behavioral Education project.
The IACBC is welcoming new members based on their application or invitation, and considers different types of membership depending on the expertise of the person in the field of cognitive-behavioral coaching. The IACBC has honorary members, certified members, affiliated members, and student members. Dr. Oana David serves as founding president of the IACBC and wold-known experts in cognitive-behavioral coaching are honorary members:
- Dr. Arthur Freeman, Professor atTouro College New York
- Dr. Windy Dryden, Professor Emeritus at University of London
- Dr. Dominic DiMattia, Professor Emeritus at Bridgeport University
- Dr. Michael Cavanagh, Associate Professor, University of Sydney
- Dr. Daniel David, Professor at Babes-Bolyai University and Icahn School of Medicine New York
- Dr. Mehmet Sungur, Professor at University of Marmara
- Dr. Ana Maria Sera, Instituto de Terapia Cognitiva, São Paulo, Brazil
Members of the IACBC have the opportunity to be part of a professional international network of CBC experts and to develop coaching skills in an organization that relies on quality, competence and excellence. Here, they meet and learn from world renowned coaching and psychology experts, with expertise in the field gained through their practice and academic research activities.. Members also benefit from special discounted registration and participation fees to the events organized by the IACBC, special fees for our or partners’ publications and assessment tools, and support from the IACBC in obtaining other accreditations.
The membership/accreditation scheme of the IACBC can be accessed Accreditation Schema-2018.pdf.
Apply for membership here. Please note that the following forms will need to be filled added to your application in order to be considered by sending them to
Training Form.docx and Experience.docx
Members of the IACBC are having the following benefits:
• The development of correct and productive coaching skills, by practicing and learning them in CBC settings based on quality, competence and excellence.
• Members have the opportunity to be part of a professional international network of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaches.
• Members benefit from discounted trainings, coaching sessions and other services.
• Members who intend to apply for external accreditations or memberships benefit from recommendations and support, as the IACBC’s standards and structure meet the ones of relevant international bodies, such as the ICF.
• Members attending trainings and other events (like the IACBC Congress) benefit from special discounted registration fees.
• Members attending IACBC events have to opportunity to meet and learn from world renowned coaching and psychology experts, with impressive experience and expertise in the field. These guest lecturers have had a remarkable contribution to the establishment of evidence based coaching, through their academic research activity and private practice.
• Members of the IACBC will benefit from discounts to its publications, the publications of partnering organizations and their assessment tools.
• Members will receive newsletters, infoletters and other materials regarding the IACBC’s activity, events and services.
The International Association of Cognitive-Behavioral Coaching also offers memberships for profit-making or non-profit professional bodies.
1. Organizational Membership – it is designed for associations and group or individual practices who wish to offer CBC trainings and/or services. Such an organization is required to have at least one Certified Coaching Practitioner as part of the initiative team and should guide its activity in compliance to the IACBC’ Code of Ethics, guidelines and requirements.
2. Corporate Membership – is addressed to companies interested in having an internal CBC professional. By accessing this membership companies benefit from personnel training, supervised practice and on-request individual supervision and coaching sessions. However corporate members are not individuals, but professional bodies which have the option to invest in training one or more HR employees while ensuring that its certification is independent of personnel mobility.
Organizational Members are offered access to all general membership benefits, as well as an online listing for their company. Organizational Members can be represented at relevant IACBC meetings and in the ICCBC. One primary contact and up to five (depending on individual credentials) will receive IACBC communications and discounts to events.
Annual membership fee is €100, and €50 registration fee
You can apply for individual or organizational membership here.
The IACBC has organized its 1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching, 12-15th of June 2014, in Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The 1st International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching was e a memorable event from both a scientific, cultural and social perspective. Honorary President of the Congress was Professor Arthur Freeman, Midwestern University; Congress President was Professor Daniel David, Babes-Bolyai University, and Chair of the Organizing Committeewas Dr. Oana Gavita, Babes-Bolyai University. Congress website at
The 2nd International Congress of Cognitive Behavioral Coaching was heldin 2016 in Atheens, Greece
In order to apply for organizing one of the following editions if the ICCBC you need to write an email at and receive the application forms.
You can now become a partner and support the Congresses and activities of the IACBC. Check here the sponsorship opportunities Sponsorship Opportunities ICCBC2014_1.pdf.
© 2011 International Association of Cognitive behavioral Coaching
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